Sunday, November 13, 2005

Is Swansea Heaven & London Hell?

Was watching The League Of Gentlemen last night. Tubbs, the wife of the local shop owner always believed that London was HELL on earth outside for the local people of Royston Vesey, and believed that Swansea was heaven. A promised land. Well, she was heavily inbred and sheltered so maybe that's how she came to the conclusion on the latter. Swansea? Heaven?

Hmmm, don't think so. Though I've always been keen on Welsh Lamb. Pity that the valleys are now flooded with multi-national telecommunication companies now (I think that Deutsche Telecom and Telefonica have got a big place there). Welsh is the fastest growing new (or rather old new) language in the world at the moment. Baffling.

As for London being hell, okay...we're not perfect. Its true that the hard winter is being made a lot harder with a the noise of the building work that's going on (and when you look around you realise that there's some budget m'larky going down, because the things that need to be fixed really aren't being fixed), but nonetheless, its not a bad place. You have a lot of stuff on your doorstep which is good, and for me anyway, a lot of people I used to know at university seem to have migrated here. Which is good (though I do seem to constantly be falling back in with people that I never thought I would see again).

Its quite bright out today. Went for drinks last night in a pub on Hampstead Heath (and drank the cheapest brown ale that they had). I think that its the call centre for me...tragic though it is, I think that its got to be done if I'm going to stay in this game.

What to do with the rest of the day then?

Think that I'll play some music, and work on the creative documents for my short film on the Goldhawk Road. This is pre-treatment phase at the moment. Just a synopsis, but maybe with some basic character outlines. The plot is already very clear to me. This will be the best surreal and authentic film about the Mods ever made. Can it be surreal AND authentic?

I think that the subject matter, which ultimately revolves around rock music in a particular youth subculture is an intensely surreal thing, its a mirror that reflects and distorts but in doing so open the pathway toward ultimate truths. I believe in all this shit. I really do. When I'm prepared to be more candid about the narrative and characters in this short film, then you'll see why there is a strange surreal twist to it all. Suffice to say though, I think that I'm going to get involved the one man alive, who actually saw this all at close quarters and who is articulate and literary enough to help me explain it on the page of a film script.

Hope that all is well in your part of the world...and especially ofcourse our Welsh friends in Swansea.



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