I like the fire...
Wrote a few lyrics over some coffee in the 12 Bar Club this morning. Strong coffee.
One is called: Charge Of The Sloane Rangers
Another is called: To The Blues.
And the best one is: I like The Fire.
I like the fire,
I like to burn,
I like the fire,
the fire makes me turn.
I feel wired,
But I have to yearn,
I feel wired,
so wired that I burn.
I like the fire,
I want to burn,
caught by the flame,
and hooked on the game.
Just a few stanzas. The last one is the chorus. Not my best stuff. Not by a long way. But I like writing about fire and ice as metaphors for drive, the need to create, to express, to catch fire like a beacon until others see the flame.
That kind of thing.
Right! I have to go. Just one more thing. It went through my head when I was in the Twelve Bar. When Joe Strummer died, my grandfather (the Masonic Lord no-less) had just arrived for Christmas. He said that no-one would care that this fellow was dead. I can't remember if I'd cried...but I felt a big hole inside. Strummer and The Clash were/are big heroes of mine...and he'd always seemed like an absolutely top man. Strange how I can see the value in my 89 year old Grandfather's heroes, that I can empathise with him but that the man writes off Joe.
I shouldn't be so harsh on him. It was just a thought.
Blogs breed spontaneity (?spelling?).
Apologies for the lack of photographs (there are some earlier in this blog, but I don't have my digital camera here and am in the web cafes).
Don't know who Strummer was, but nobody can say that about a dead man and be correct. The thing is that beyond here, beyond this little planet where we live, there is more love than that. Things like souls aren't let to fade away - they are encouraged to grow.
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