5 AM
Woke up this morning -Saturday- at 5AM, the light was flooding in through my rather shitty blinds (it takes the blind to let the light in), and my body did its usual trick of switching my brain on totally. This always seems to happen, particularly when I want to have a lie in and sleep. So, I've been pottering around my house. Fired up my PC at about 6, and worked a little on my journal. I then did some more notes for the art work for the mini opera. A little stuck for ideas at the end, because the story around this short string of songs (it runs to about 13 minutes) comes from several songs and songs about particular characters with which I've been dealing with for a long time.
Am feeling quite chipper. My head is filled with crazy aspirations about making music at the moment. I feel really charged up and obsessive about it all. I'm going to be sending off some demos to the others in the band soon. We've scheduled rehearsals in Rugby for the 8/9 of July, and then will add some more ASAP...we'll have to do two really full on days.
Strange how the prospect of getting on stage with a band does this to me. All the small things that I worried about seem to pale into insignificance. I'm switched on to something much better. The day to day stuff, the nerves associated with it, are all out of the window. I know that this is what is important.
Haven't been eating much recently. I have a youghurt for breakfast, and a pot of houmus when I get back from work with some crackers...I don't have time to cook at the moment and food gets in the way. Now that I don't have to waste time eating at lunch time, I tend to wander around Shoreditch and trying to think about things. I've not drunk much in the last week, but had a bit over the last couple of days...its a permissive culture...and people permit me to often.
Am off home in a minute, to set up the studio and get to work. Guitar overdubs today. I've had some really sweet words said about the new track on my page...its the middle of the opera...thanks for your support.
There will be a lot more to come.

Guess which two hippies are getting back together to kick your musical ass! Prepare for war!
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