The Return
Had a great day out in the Tate Modern yesterday, which has just been re-hung. I haven't been there in a while, and strangely enough...Tate Britain was far more useful to me when I was meeting with and researching on Gustav Metzger for my thesis. I went there with my friend Ems, who I never get to see enough. The day ended with boozy fun at the Couch and then Soho.
I saw a painting that really smacked me between the eyes called 'The Return' by the artist Philip Guston. It was an abstract expressionist work. And I loved the power that was in it. I loved the title too, and will write a song about it. Its a tremendously strong potential hook line. It lit a real fire in me.
The weather is gorgeous. I am writing to you now...when I should be in my little room turned studio, finishing off overdubs for a song called Remember Me. I think that I will have today off...which is a pity in someways because it means that I won't get much done until next weekend, because I work long hours in a shit job for shit money to keep my head above water. I think that I'm going to try to change this. I need a small but dynamic media company, who will let me do a bit of everything for them...or whatever they want. Nothing corporate. Somewhere where I can get stuck in, and feel that if I'm working really long hours that its because I want to and not because I'm being exploited.
Will begin the hunt for this once more.
Its been a while since I posted any pictures I'm going to put a few up for you now! The Return, of my photo could say.
Its a lazy day. I am a little hungover. I plan to go home in a minute and roast some beef. I also want to work on the storyboards for my EP's art work. Hopefully, these will be the basis for the film that we're going to make around it. Spoke with my old bassist Tom today...he was very encouraging. I've had a lot of positive vibes sent my way musically recently. I feel a lot less isolated. Real action can happen.
Above my bedroom door...there is a photocopy of Gustav Metzger's acid on Nylon experiments, strangely enough, I can see faces and people in them. In the centre, there is a Hein Heckroth like charicature and off to the side a face in profile. Ofcourse, this is my has nothing to do with Gustav's intentions...believe me, I know...but I like the visual textures generated by his work and my bad photocopying. I'm feeling drawn back into my love of art, and the excitement, the adrenalin that it gives me. It could generate something new and dynamic within me. Give me the stage and I will demonstrate.
Hope that you're all well,

This is my friend Charlotte and I, near my house after we came back from seeing the fab Casbah Club, and Southend's finest Mikey Cuthbert...I want to steal her car.

Irish Jack doing the business for charity backstage at the Who Convention...I was auctioning off the flag...and getting Jack and Simon Townshend to sign it too helped us get another £50 on the price. Believe me...there was nothing glamorous about the green room of the Bush Hall.
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