Sunday, October 23, 2005

Live At Quigley's

This rather awful picture is of me, just before I played my set on Friday night at Quigley's back in good ol' Rugby Town.

The whole day was a mission. I'd been working in Fulham most of the day, then jumped on a train to get back up north of the Watford Gap for my support slot set for Eight Miles High. I've suffering all week from a nasty chest, in fact when I ran through my set shortly before I arrived at the venue I was sick from coughing up my lungs.

The gig went fine. A typically disinterested pub audience, naturally...but it was good to keep my hand in with the gigging. I played 'Beer Bottle Joe', which I posted here a couple of weeks ago. I think that it was this track where things started to get a lot better, and I was left wishing that I'd kept my nerve and opened with it.

It was one of those gigs where I needed to just keep on pushing through, no matter what and the pay off was that by the time I was playing Popular, which segued into The Brief things felt completely together. Mind, body and soul all in harmony. Perfect rock n roll mentality, I think.

Eight Miles High were good. A tight, effective Mod band with a big setlist. I joined them on stage at the end for an impromptu cover of "Born To Be Wild" by Steppin' Wolf and took on the lead vocals. Amazingly, I remembered the lyrics (I haven't sung it since I was on holiday six years ago). Great fun!!!!!!


This is the setlist:

Did You See Where My Money Went?
Simple Silas
The Chevron Action Flasher
Beer Bottle Joe
The Cancer Is Within
The Brief.


Blogger Bri said...

Tom, I like the photo. The sideburns make you look like Neil Young. Enjoyed the description of your playing that gig, too. And the encore, fun, a classic ("I like smoke and lightning...") I have a story about that song, but it's a long one. I'll save it for some other time!

11/04/2005 2:00 pm  

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