Sunday, January 08, 2006

A New Pad

I spent yesterday having a wander around Camden, where I live.

I bought myself a new notepad - the others have all been filled - and thought it a good way to start the year. I went to a few bars and did some writing. I felt much better than I did when I last posted here on Friday; you see, I live to write and rock everything else is just a bloody distraction. And when I've been distracted for too long, I lose control.

Today, I am working 12 hours in Old Street. Its very slow here today so I am taking the time to post a couple of things that I wrote yesterday. The weather outside is grey and wet, there is tremendous noise floating around. I've always found the sound of rain against a window comforting...but there is something about this part of London that when I walk around outside I find the noise a bit crushing. Its harsh mechanical, impersonal feeds some really bad vibes in me.

Enough of that!! Lets have some poetry.

Trip Wire

He stood at the water's edge,
then stirred his heart once more
and jumped from the ledge.

The body fell down
as his Soul soared up,
while the moment hypnotised
and the clocks froze stuck.

Now the memory fades
like bodies cold in the dust
and we who are left
don't know who to trust,

As we still try
not to get crushed
but still get caught
by the maddening of the rush,

And we have to move
or else we'll rust,
because we are hooked
by this painful tripwire called lust.


Blogger psychedelic butterfly said...

hey Tom
really love your music, you have such a great vibe too!
got here through myspace (thanks for the add on that by the way) just thought id come and see what i could find and decided to leave you a comment.
much love x

1/08/2006 7:42 pm  
Blogger Tom Matchett said...


I've posted on your blog.

Peace, love and a hippy new year.


1/10/2006 2:55 pm  

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