Sunday, July 23, 2006

Magnum Opus

If you read my last blog entry, then you would have seen my new set of lyrics, 'Hot Light' and that I mentioned ' The Light Gate' which was a poem I wrote a few months back. I'm going to turn it into a full length opera. Its a very simple story. Its about a world where all the light has been taken prisoner, and its held in a set of glass gates called, The Light Gate.

I have sketched out a track listing. And written the lyrics to half a dozen songs (I did this yesterday). I have a hard narrative laid down. It seems very tidy. The main character is called Edison. (aka Edward Son, aka The Navigator). He has to find the gates and smash them to set the light free. One particular set of lyrics look really good, 'I Caught Your Catch'...plenty of bite in them. Razor fucking sharp.

The only problem is that I won't have any guitars around me for about ten days because I'm homeless from Wednesday and staying with friends until I can move into my new flat. Bollocks! Because I'm on fire creatively speaking at the moment.

So, here is the poem The Light Gate for you to see once more. Expect tales of darkness and light, fear and loathing, hope and love, and a Christian priest called Dave who holds raves for followers at a debauched fountain of electronic light. It is going to be trippy ride. But I guarantee you is going to rock like the bollocks! Understand?!! Good.


The Light Gate

On the counter-point of darkness
Stand my glass gates
On foundations of light,

That guide with a brilliant beam
Holds the blinded Navigator
Still searching for his sight,

And this magic light show
Has now begun
Like a razor sharp laser
Brighter than the sun.

The gate towers
Are light shafts
They illuminate and burn
Like a beacon to the lost
Make the clock mechanism reverse,
Re-start and turn,

As the stars fall
And the angels yearn
As our hearts fold
With love and pain undiscerned,

Until the gates crash open
As the word is spoken
We'll find answers,
Defrost the future,
Leave the past frozen.

These gates of glass will fall,
and the light will open.


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