Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Change LIVE 2004: DVD

Had a call yesterday from our old bassist Tristan, who told me that he's found the footage from our gig at The Penny Theatre in Canterbury from the summer of '04. The sound quality apparently is ok (though not pro) and he's going to start mastering it. He's also the footage missing from the end of the set on the DV feed, which was captured on an Analogue camera. So, we hopefully will be able to produce a whole show from it! It wasn't a bad gig, some parts were very raw because I'd literally blown my voice apart from previous gigs and relentless rehearsals. But there are some interesting interludes, including drunk and coked up women trying to get onto the stage, being told to "fuck off my fucking stage by me" and then falling off to their near deaths. Quite literally! I enjoyed it. I couldn't sleep for DAYS afterward, the adrenalin had total possession of me.

I can't see us selling it, but I think that we will probably stream segments from it on The Change's main website . I imagine that this will be a few of the songs, but we may possibly offer the whole thing or big chunks of it for a PAID download.

We in The Change can do such things, you see. And it won't cost us anything, so if a few brave souls out there want to part with their cash for it, then ofcourse they are welcome to do so.

If nothing else, I may edit some of the footage into a promotional video for a new track. I'd like to incorporate some Flash animation with this (I've dabbled with this before and got some good results). Who knows?




Blogger Bri said...

Tom, this is really exciting to read, I hope I will have time to go listen/watch!

I like the part about the women falling off the stage, almost falling to their death (I know you're facetious here). My son, when he was a toddler, had this thing about "bad burglars." In the stories he'd make up while playing, he'd always say, "And then the bad burglar fell to his death!" was cute.

11/03/2005 6:21 pm  
Blogger Tom Matchett said...

Actually, for about thirty seconds we thought that she was dead, I remember suggesting that someone should call an ambulance, and then introducing the next song.

Well, the show must go on...


11/03/2005 8:08 pm  

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