Gunpowder Treason And Plot
Hello bloggers,
Tomorrow night is the 400th anniversary since Mr Guy Fawkes, Thomas Catesby and their crew of Jacobean terrorists tried to blow up James I and the House of Lords during the opening of Parliament. Today, I live in a city in which religious extremists are still trying to blow people up to get their ideas accepted.
Hmmm, don't think that this will work! So, please go away. I am not the Devil/infidel or whatever you want to label me. You're giving a lot a decent people a bad name by association, and I really don't want to see the Far Right make any progress in the backlash of you being ass-holes.
I've written about this before. In 2000 I started writing a musical film called "Made In England" about the redefinition of national identity. Its now a play, largely a monologue with live music sequences. It was my first full play script. I was very inventive with the use of different dramatic spaces, the performance of Made In England will use fictive, real, actual and surreal spaces. I've done a very neat job of producing something that could be easily staged with a powerful narrative.
Enough of my swelling head. It doesn't matter until its performed, and then the story will really begin. I'd love to stage it, but I have a dozen other projects that I'd also like to see happen. I figure that when I'm with the right people, I will collaborate and bring the best of these off.
On the music front at the moment, I'm going to contact a booking agent in London today and get myself some shows organised. These will be solo gigs, but the band side of things will kick off soon too. I've started advertising for drummers and bassists. This is going to be a tricky process because no-matter how talented someone is, if they don't have the mindset or the passion then it won't fly. Oh, no!
Will blog again soon,
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