Sunday, August 13, 2006

Its Sunday!


How are tricks people?

I've had a mutha of a week, but I've just enjoyed my second lie in of the weekend, and that's really unusual for me, as once I wake, I'm not one to stay in bed.

Time for some changes, I think. I should have my studio back after next weekend's rehearsals, which will be good, as I can start to feel productive once more. At the moment I have lots of distractions, recording has become such a key part of my creative process when songwriting that I feel that I need it to focus myself when I'm writing. I have been working on the first song for new magnum opus that I've cooked up. Its called 'Break The Gate', its not exactly sophisticated, but then again rock music isn't and neither is my grasp of musical language, so I can be content with writing what appears to be a good rock song.

I've been seeing lots of people, people who I haven't caught up with for a while or who I should probably spend more time with. Still though, I miss companionship at the moment and people that I can draw close into me. I long to spend time with supportive creative people, people that I can build something with. Hopefully, I will get a fill of that next weekend with the rehearsals.

The weather here has gone quite shitty, and I'm a little worried as to where the summer seems to have disapeared to. Am feeling a bit weird, but quite relaxed today. I'm trying to put problems out of my head and revel in the space that they leave.

Peace and Love,



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