Friday, February 24, 2006

Launchpad: Its Been A Long Long Time

I haven't posted here for a while.

I've been torn between maintaining this blog and the myspace account.

I've been working really hard this last month, to earn lots of money -but never enough - to enable me to have reasonable birthday bash in March (its March 13th, you hippies!).

Still somehow managed to run out of money a week before the end of the month. Poo, frankly.

I started writing a song last night called "Fall Of The Drunken Hero", I can imagine the sound in my head...I wrote the lyrics earlier this year, I need to find some drum machine beats, some kick ass rock loops. Problem is with this, I don't have a drum machine...and my PC is one sick puppy at the moment.

Be in touch soon.

I'm looking forward to Pete Townshend or his representatives posting here inviting me to the amazing prospect of the Lifehouse Method. Its going to be a fucking amazing experience. All the other bloggers who posted on his novella 'The Boy Who Heard Music" are going to be invited onto it too.

Stoked frankly. Stoked.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Blogcast Session - Working On A Saturday - Going For Dinner

I got up at six this morning (Saturday), came into work for 8am, and am stuck here until 4 this afternoon.

I rushed home after I finished at 6pm yesterday and got recording for this Blogcast. It was much better than last week. I did a new song for it too called 'Remember Me', which paradoxically has nothing to do with me personally wanting to be remembered, when I sing it I have assume the role of commentator during the verses, and then of the character during the chorus. Its a track about the desperation of celebrity, the Pete Dohertys and Mariah Careys of this world, and how their addiction for recognition and fame ultimately corrupts, and is inherently self-destructive for the artist who is seduced by that kind of existence.

I figure that the Blogcast is going to run for about an hour.

I overdubbed some lead electric guitar on the last song (or rather song medley Popular/The Brief), I did it in one take, I'm sure that I could do something more polished but that's not what rock n roll, or the spirit of this recording, is about. Rip and burn...that's the way to play an electric guitar. Its difficult working at amplified volumes that have to be turned right down so that the neighbours don't call the cops, particularly as my style on electric guitar normally uses a lot of volume. Still though, I got into it and found myself windmilling my way through 'The Brief'.

I'm going to use Sunday to audition these sessions and mix them down. The balance needs to be worked on a little...I probably recorded the first couple of songs too loud.

So, there we have it. Its almost done. I figure that next time I'm going to have to get someone else in to help me host the Blogcast, it all feels a bit empty, some banter and laughter is needed.

Going for dinner tonight with my friends for a birthday. Don't know where yet.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Blogcast Session Two


With last Saturday's sessions now shelved, I am all set to record a new blogcast on Friday night this week. This time, I'm going to prepare myself better...and I want to bring more things into the mix. I figure that it can't just be a random leave the tape running and hope for the best.

But I'm looking forward to it. It will be a good way to spend a Friday night. The main thing is that from a technical point of view everything seems to be in place. I am using some really entry level encoding and mastering technology, but the results of the first session were clear and balanced.

I now have over 150 friends on Myspace. Woo hoo!

Well, not exactly setting the world ablaze, but its the start of building a network of people who could be interested in listening to my music. It makes it all worthwhile.


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