Monday, January 30, 2006

Blogcast Session & Having No Money


Well, my finances are fantastically well managed at the moment. I get paid tomorrow, but the last five days have been very very tight on funds, but the bottom line is that I've come through it...paid for what I needed in advance and now have everything in hand. Bring on the cash transfer!!!!!!!!!

I worked yesterday (Sunday), and spent a quiet Saturday night in doing a recording session for the blogcast. I auditioned the tapes when I got back from work yesterday. I've got mixed feelings about it, I don't know whether releasing it is the right thing to do (I have it mastered, and ripped into MP3 format and sitting on my PC desktop)...I'm considering seeing it as a dress rehearsal of sorts, kind of a technical test, to make sure that the technology at my disposal is good enough to make more blogcasts in the future. I think that there's scope there for a second condensor mic' to balance out the sound a bit. I've been running just a standard Vocal mic' with an AKG condenser, which although wonderful, would be all the better for another channel.

Anyway, that's what I've been upto over the weekend.

I might still change my mind and post all (or maybe part) of the sessions here for download.

Will keep you posted!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Working On A Blogcast

This is my big project for the moment. Getting a blogcast together.

Its been held up (as has recording my mini-opera) by the distractions in my house. I'm still have to show people around now, and so it's taking its time, but soon hopefully I will be able to get back into it all and really push ahead.

I've been knocking out some great riffs recently, when I get a chance to pick up my electric. God! I love this instrument. Its cherry red, with gold pick-ups, and a one piece mahogony body. I bought it with what was left from the inheritence that my Grandfather left me (after I'd paid off my festering credit card). It was amazingly cheap for what you get. Cheaper than the old SG that I had, but 10 times better. I went through a hell of a rough ride when my grandfather was ill, and spent a lot of time with him in hospital, which was really difficult. But I remember, telling him about this particular guitar the last time that I saw him (considering the state that he was in, it was the only way to keep the mood sounding positive) I figured that it would be a good thing to spend the money on (and his wife would have loved the idea).

So, await blogcasts, rock operas, band jams and various other activities in the near future.

Will blog again soon.


Monday, January 23, 2006

New Start

The house is a different place now. Out with the old (there was one good egg and two rotten ones), and in with the new. Still looking for a third housemate, and we're meeting with a girl tonight who viewed the house yesterday and seemed quite keen. I hope that she takes the room.

There is quite a minimalist feel to the place at the moment. Yesterday afternoon I was in there alone and felt a little sad. Not because the others had left - this was just something that had to happen - but because the whole experience recently has been a really draining one, and a waste of my time. Still though, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger...and in a week's time I figure that I'm going to be charged back up and building once more for the future.

Will blog again soon. Looking forward to sleeping A LOT tonight.


Friday, January 20, 2006


And isn't it good. Friday comes and you realise that you've survived the week. And you can let your mind go back into the reality that you actually choose for yourself.

Going to be busy, sorting a few loose ends out to do with the house this weekend. But it'll be worth a weekend of pain for a lifetime of gain.

Smile. Pretend its Christmas.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Artist & Individual

I've been turning over in my mind something this morning. Its the situation that I find myself in now, and I believe that it must be a common experience for other artists (particularly in music) who use the internet as their chief portal for distribution and promotion.

There is a curious balance that has to be obtained it seems when attempting to reach, define, and sustain an audience between what I should represent as an artist and who I am as an individual. By virtue of my chosen portal (or rather the one which is enforced upon me by circumstance) the two are entwined. If I write a personal, candid and at times all too revealing journal here, it makes accessible information about me that may in some-way damage the other branch of what I do on the internet as a burgeoning musician.

I've recently got really into running a page, which is growing every day in terms of the number of "friends" who are associated. In the last week - on a few days - the number of my contacts there has increased by 10%. For me as an artist, this gives me tremendous exposure and it will continue to grow - or so I am convinced - enabling me eventually to reach out to the kind of sized audience which makes blogcasts and such like a really good investment of my time and energy.

But I have also provided a link from that page to this one, therefore the two are interlinked. Am I setting myself up for some-kind of fall here? A personal one, maybe rather than an artistic one.

On my computer at home I have about a thousand promotional images archived on my computer from a very famous band who came from the 1960s, survived the 70s and are still a huge industry today. They can now indulge in candid, revealing insights into their personal lives. But when they started out, the images that I have reveal the history of a carefully managed identity that was designed specifically to establish them as neither an artist nor individuals but as a product. They later defied the usual constraints of pop stardom, in fact, they redefined it. There was at that time - a space between the performer and their audience, dictated by the refined though relatively (to today) unsophisticated portals available to them to promote and reach their audience. They fought - often in vain - to become closer to their audience. Live performance was the catalyst which enabled them to achieve this, and at times through the substance of their art they achieved a spiritual connection with the crowd...largely through the unique symbiotic relationship that they had with them.

Today, I am in possession of a far more complex portal which enables me to reach out with my art, with - for what they're worth - my thoughts and emotions. Yet, by virtue of this I am also a very tiny island in vast ocean. It will be easy for the majority of people to sail past me, and never think about me once again. That said, I can make and distribute my music quicker...and to potentially more people than The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and host of other legendary names ever could. And it costs me very very little to do this - though it can lead to classically English cock-ups on the quality front at times.

But to paraphrase...I guess that quality talks and bullshit walks. Or maybe that should be "sincerity and quality". There is no hiding for an artist such as me on the web today. If others are to trust me, to take an interest in my 'product' for the long term, enough to be able to patronise my work in some manner (finanically or otherwise), then I must be candid and transparent...and I hope that what I attempt to share with them in posts on blogs is of interest or strikes a chord in some way.

On we march, and into 2006. I hope, pray and promise that it will be a good year for myself musically.

I will be getting some photographs up here soon, and wherever you are, and whatever you do, thanks for taking the time to read this far down in my post.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Kicking Ass!

I'm going to.

Fired up today. No time to make music. To busy showing people around the house.

But feeling good. First few rays of summer sunshine today at lunch time. The sun is very bright when it shows itself here in central London.

Am hoping to get jamming with a couple of guys who I got in contact with via myspace next week, can't wait to get an electric guitar back in my hand and fire out some chords and riffs.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

A New Pad

I spent yesterday having a wander around Camden, where I live.

I bought myself a new notepad - the others have all been filled - and thought it a good way to start the year. I went to a few bars and did some writing. I felt much better than I did when I last posted here on Friday; you see, I live to write and rock everything else is just a bloody distraction. And when I've been distracted for too long, I lose control.

Today, I am working 12 hours in Old Street. Its very slow here today so I am taking the time to post a couple of things that I wrote yesterday. The weather outside is grey and wet, there is tremendous noise floating around. I've always found the sound of rain against a window comforting...but there is something about this part of London that when I walk around outside I find the noise a bit crushing. Its harsh mechanical, impersonal feeds some really bad vibes in me.

Enough of that!! Lets have some poetry.

Trip Wire

He stood at the water's edge,
then stirred his heart once more
and jumped from the ledge.

The body fell down
as his Soul soared up,
while the moment hypnotised
and the clocks froze stuck.

Now the memory fades
like bodies cold in the dust
and we who are left
don't know who to trust,

As we still try
not to get crushed
but still get caught
by the maddening of the rush,

And we have to move
or else we'll rust,
because we are hooked
by this painful tripwire called lust.

Friday, January 06, 2006

And Then There Was Light...

Back in my head a little more now.

I feel that I could be getting ill. I'm tired and want to rest. Enjoy some serenity.

All shall be well on the morrow...and I will be full of ideas and creativity again.

Today, I've just been crashing a bit.



I read through my little red book, where I've been writing some bits of poetry and lyrics in for a few months last night. I like this book. There was one page with Interface (Part Three) scribbled into it. This was one of the pieces that I wrote down when I thought that I'd found some-kind of answer to the world a couple of months ago.

I wonder if I'll ever finish it. I'm forever starting things...never finishing them. I call myself an artist but how can this be...if it is true then I am an artist of no value. So am I full of bullshit? Have I managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes including my own? Does anyone have any REAL faith in me or are they just happy to humor me or more comfortable around me by endorsing a pretence?

Do I pretend to myself? Am I onto something or just spectacularly deluded?

I struggle away in my room with a guitar trying to find a song...I get terribly hung up about using the same chord sequence or the same words that fit so neatly and fall so easily to me. I wonder if anyone will ever give a flying fuck again about anything that I write...when I think about my future - the immediate future - my past and the immediate past I invariably have to find something to get me away from it.

Still though, I carry on. In fact, I have to carry on. I'd be dead if I didn't. I never chose this particular vocation. It chose me. I feel like a pawn in a much bigger game, the complexity of which I don't have a prayer of ever comprehending.

I am rambling today. I am depressed. I will be fine later when I am able to sink into myself for a few hours...I will be fine once I feel like I've completed something for once. Where is my collaborator? Where is my mentor? My greatest ally is dead. He jumped off a building. Why didn't I know how to stop him?

I rage against fate like a rowing boat against the tide. God is a joker...I laugh with him too. I had to learn how to do this in order to survive.

entwined with this grace,
Falling through the holes,
of the surface
of God's face.

I am drawn to her like the magnet,
I am programmed by the stars."

Is their any truth in this lyric? Or is it just pretty word play?


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ready To Rock Into '06

Happy New Year.

Belated, I know.

I've been very busy at work, and showing people around the house. Hopefully will have the rooms rented soon.

I had a fantastic New Year's Eve (though I worked up until 8pm). The party didn't stop for three days. I met some really great people, and I'm sure that I'll write more about them here soon when I have some time.

It was a truly memorable Debauchathon, and now I'm raring to go for 2006. I'm hoping to meet with some movie producers soon, and I've lined my friend Llee from Eight Miles High up to produce the studio version of my mini-opera "Attack Of The Chevron Action Flasher".

As ever, after a few great days of mindless fun and debauched amusement, I am feeling creatively fired up and ready to get down to some fine song-writing. It always meet some wonderfully inspiring people and suddenly a whole new creative burst comes along.

I'm thinking of releasing a couple of tracks on the Independent Artist Company website (well as soon as Rachel Fuller & Pete Townshend end their domination of it). Would you pay 99 cents to download one of my tracks?

Peace and Love,

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