Sunday, April 02, 2006
Hanging Out (Part One)

Hanging out with Mr Irish Jack Lyons, and Bruce Foxton who can play the bass a bit, and whom I have seen in his underpants...and from what I recall wasn't entirely against the idea of drawing the raffle in his trouser-less state...fortunately Simon Townshend did the honours and as a result Bruce maintained his modesty.
Well, that was fun...
Where to begin...? I've forgotten to eat the last two days...I should be about to collapse from lack of sleep (well, I spent Thursday night writing like a madman until 2:30 am and have been rocking out since then...though not quite a debauchathon)...but I'm switched on, fired up and would be working away on some demos today if it weren't for the fact that my voice is rougher than a sandpaper cod piece.
It was, quite frankly, a stunningly crazy and fun day. Hanging out with Irish Jack was pretty mad...he's tremendously entertaining and very sincere...legendary status as a Who fan aside, you could tell why this fella would have been an Ace Face back way back when because he's a really friendly, down to earth bloke. I met Keith Moon's mum too, Kit, she's a really proud mum...there is so much genuine affection for Keith...and it was played out yesterday, people were very respectful around her, they didn't mob her (which I was a little worried might happen).
It was nice to finally meet a lot of people who I've been in contact with for years over the web because of the 'orrible 'oo and finally get a chance to hang out with them. They're a good bunch...all of them.
The bands were amazing frankly...the drummers particularly...hmmmm, I feel a muso poaching coming on (cue gospel funk music and crazed southern fried preacher). Those guys really know their shit.
What else?...I met Bruce Foxton (hang on, I'm getting a plan here...poach drummer from Who's Who + poach Bruce Foxton of the Casbah Club + mini opera about a Flasher = light gate to the inevitable pathway of my saving planet earth by harnessing the power of rock n roll). Actually, I couldn't possibly do that because several of my friends would have me castrated for throwing a spanner in the works of The Casbah Club. Speaking of which, it was a pleasure beyond measure to spend some time with Simon Townshend and his good lady wife...but I think that this experience pretty much summed up the whole character of the day, it was informal, genuine and very positive.
So, frankly I'm stoked about the whole day. Slightly smug about people asking me to sign their programmes, but very content to be able to make a contribution to the event (what are we doing here if it isn't to contribute?) Though its got to be said...I had a lot of compliments...but I really did have the easiest job there, and I didn't have to do anything like the kind of graft that the real organisers put into it...or spend four figures of hard earnt American dollars to fly over, suffer through jet lag, and then try to keep up with Irish Jack's super-human capacity for Guinness.
Some fella called Roger Daltrey turned up too, and sang a couple of songs. Unfortunately, I missed my golden opportunity to introduce the Rog because - and get this, I jest ye not - I was busy hanging out with Keith Moon's mum at the time. Jesus Christ though, I hope that he can understand just how much that meant to the people there...instant star shine bursting out from the pupils of 350 people's eyes.
But hang on a moment...and I don't want anyone to think that I can't just enjoy the day for what it was...but I was introducing bands, and not playing on stage in my own maybe that cold hard fact should be a boot up the backside. Now is the time to work work work! Its certainly recharged my confidence, which has been on the wane recently.
Anyway, am going to try and do something productive this afternoon. This may involve scotch, coffee, note-book and pen.
Check out the pictures!!
Peace & Love.
"It all happened when the shares crashed,
that was when he first had to flash,
now that the bolar hat's worn through,
what the hell else could this banker do?
He's the Chevron Action Flasher,
He's the Chevron Action Flasher"